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Notice of Privacy Practices

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This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

If you have questions, contact the Ascend Clinical Compliance Officer at 650-780-5657.

Your rights

With respect to your medical information, you have the right to:


You can ask to see or get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other health information we have about you.

We will provide a copy or a summary of your health information, usually within 30 days of your request.

We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee.








Your choices

For certain health information, you can tell us your choices about what we share. If you have a clear preference for how we share your information in the situations described below, talk to us. Tell us what you want us to do, and we will follow your instructions.

If you are not able to tell us your preference, for example if you are unconscious, we may go ahead and share your information, if we believe it is in your best interest. We may also share your information, when needed, to lessen a serious and imminent threat to health or safety.


Share information with your family, close friends, or others involved in your care.

Share information in a disaster relief situation.

Contact you for fundraising efforts.




Our uses and disclosures

Ascend Clinical will typically use or share your health information in the following ways:


Ascend provides laboratory services to your primary provider.

Specifically, we provide the test results (your health information) to your provider.



Other ways we use or share your health information

Ascend is allowed or required to share your information in other ways – usually in ways that contribute to the public health or safety. We have to meet many conditions in the law before we can share your information for these purposes. For more information, refer to


We can share health information about you for certain situations, such as preventing disease; helping with product recalls; reporting adverse reactions to medications; reporting suspected abuse, neglect, or domestic violence; preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety.




Our responsibilities


We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your PHI.




For more information or to report a problem:

If you have questions about our Notice of Privacy Practices or would like a paper copy of it, please contact our Compliance Officer at the address below, or by calling 650.780.5657, or emailing

If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint, in writing, with Ascend Clinical. The written complaint should be sent to:

Ascend Clinical
Attn: Compliance Officer
435 Oakmead Parkway

Sunnyvale, CA 94085

Additional information can be found at:

Changes to the terms of this notice

We can change the terms of this notice, and the changes will apply to all information we have about you.

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